Resources for Instructors


These resources are intended for use by writing instructors. Included here are readings to bring you up to speed on place-conscious education as well as materials you can use as part of your course design. These pages include a variety of scaffolding writing assignments, major writing projects, and in-class activities that demonstrate place-conscious approaches to assignment design. Included here also is a bibliography of readings that can be used in a place-conscious classroom.

These resources can also serve WPAs by providing materials to explore and consider in professional development meetings. These resources can also form a starting point for developing more extensive place-conscious curricular changes.

All materials here can be copied and implemented as-is, or they can be adapted and modified to meet your unique institutional and classroom needs.

Curricular Considerations for Instructors

Some things to consider as you choose readings and assignments to move your classes toward being more place-conscious include:

  • Getting to know your students, where they come from, what communities they value and belong to, and what they care about.
  • Understanding the diverse geographic or regional identities with which your students identify.
  • Helping students understand the sometimes challenging concepts of space and place.
  • Using physical spaces as rhetorically constructed and rhetorically active texts for analysis and exploration.
  • Choosing readings and materials for analysis which achieve the goals of your program’s larger curricular model the goals of place-conscious education (not as hard as it sounds).


Resources collected here include: